3 mins

How Convert Kit grew from $1.5k to $100k MRR


This week I read an excellent thread from Nathan Barry explaining how he used direct sales to grow his email marketing platform. Here's four lessons:

1/ Start with a niche

When Convert Kit launched it was just for bloggers.

There's a big difference between “want to try this random new tool?” and “want to try this new tool made specifically for people like you?”

2/ Don't sell, ask about frustrations

Here's Nathan's first email.

Nathan Barry Sales Email

He'd then offer a call to help people through their frustrations and show off Convert Kit.

3/ Remove the biggest objection

Most calls would end with “Sounds great but switching is a hassle...” So Nathan offered to migrate customers for free.

Forms, sequences, templates. One by one.

4/ Always ask for referrals

Once one blogger was set up Nathan would ask for intros to others.

It's 10x easier to persuade a friend's friend than it is to persuade a stranger. Soon referrals drove as many leads as cold outreach.

* * *

Today, Convert Kit makes $29M/yr. To quote Nathan,

“My rate was $5/hr. But you do things that don't scale. Because that enables channels that do scale.”

— Harry

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